Contact © HFSG 2024
Mycena haematopus - Burgundydrop Bonnet Tremella mesenterica - Yellow Brain Chlorociboria aeruginascens - Green Elf Cup
Can you identify this? If not (or even if you can!) then why not join us on a fungus foray? We are a voluntary organisation that looks for and records the fungi of Herefordshire. If you would like to find out more about us, have a look at some of the pages listed above.
Amanita phalloides - The Death Cap Macrolepiota procera - The Parasol
Or this?
Herefordshire County Map
Join us to celebrate UK Fungus Day on Saturday 5th October at Queenswood Country Park. Our expanded Fungal Portraits Gallery can be seen here
Herefordshire Fungus Survey Group
Contact   © HFSG 2024
Mycena haematopus - Burgundydrop Bonnet Tremella mesenterica - Yellow Brain Chlorociboria aeruginascens - Green Elf Cup
Can you identify these? If not (or even if you can!) then why not join us on a fungus foray? We are a voluntary organisation that looks for and records the fungi of Herefordshire. If you would like to find out more about us, have a look at some of the pages listed on our menu above. To see some photos of Herefordshire fungi click here We intend to celebrate UK Fungus Day on 5th October at Queenswood Arboretum. Have you seen our expanded Fungal Portraits Gallery here?
Amanita phalloides - Death Cap Macrolepiota procera - Parasol
Herefordshire Fungus Survey Group