Contact © HFSG 2024
Laetiporus sulphureus - Chicken of the Woods Crucibulum laeve - Common Bird's Nest Laccaria amethystina - The Amethyst Deceiver
Attending a Foray We record at a wide range of sites and habitats across the County, including ancient parkland and woods (such as at Moccas Park and Croft Castle) and grassland (such as on Hergest Ridge). Our forays are on Wednesdays and you will find this year's programme elsewhere on this website. Unless otherwise stated, we usually meet at 10.15 am for a prompt 10.30 start and finish at about 12.30, when we meet up to discuss and show each other our finds. Thereafter, most of us adjourn to a nearby pub for a convivial lunch. If you are not an HFSG member and would like to come on one of these forays, please contact Mike Stroud (HFSG Secretary): e-mail Tel. 01874 730263 Mobile 07507 266711 You will need to wear suitable footwear to all sites and be prepared for all weathers - some sites are quite steep and slippery when wet! To collect specimens, a flat bottomed basket is preferable but don’t worry if you don’t have one - any rigid container will do. Polythene bags are a last resort, since specimens get squashed, crushing the more fragile ones. The sweating also causes deterioration and characters can be contaminated. Dogs are allowed at some sites - you will see which ones on the Foray Programme.
Guepinia helvelloides - Salmon Salad
Herefordshire Fungus Survey Group
Contact   © HFSG 2024
Laetiporus sulphureus - Chicken of the Woods Crucibulum laeve - Common Bird's Nest Laccaria amethystina - Amethyst Deceiver
Attending a foray We record at a wide range of sites and habitats across the County, including ancient parkland and woods (such as at Moccas Park and Croft Castle) and grassland (such as on Hergest Ridge). Our forays are on Wednesdays and you will find this year's programme elsewhere on this website. Unless otherwise stated, we usually meet at 10.15 am for a prompt 10.30 start and finish at about 12.30, when we meet up to discuss and show each other our finds. Thereafter, most of us adjourn to a nearby pub for a convivial lunch. If you are not an HFSG member and would like to come on one of these forays, please contact Mike Stroud (HFSG Secretary): e-mail Tel. 01874 730263 Mobile 07507 266711 You will need to wear suitable footwear to all sites and be prepared for all weathers - some sites are quite steep and slippery when wet! Dogs are allowed at some sites - you will see which ones on the Foray Programme.
Herefordshire Fungus Survey Group